Hi and welcome to our Stay Home Spring Detox. We decided to use this time in quarantine to help clean up our bodies and detoxify. With nowhere to go and no outside distractions it is easy to become an internet couch potato and turn to our addictions of food, substances, alcohol, internet, Netflix and sex. Instead of indulging in all of this and further weakening our immune system we can choose to stay home and focus on ourselves and our well-being and on building our immune system so that we don’t catch the dreaded virus! We want to share this process with anyone who wants to join us. We want to keep it simple, uncomplicated and accessible for everyone. Therefore we want each person to see what their best detox program would look like according to their own needs and amenities. Our aim is to gently detox. We are not there with all of you physically to be able to meet your individual needs, so what we are suggesting is a gentle detoxification to help reboot and rebuild your immune system. We are aware of different locations around the world (what is in season and at is local), different climates and different budgets so it is good to use us as a template and adjust where you need to.
First here is a list of what you will need to have before we start
- Coconut oil
- Fresh organic fruits and vegetables (see the list below)
- Green powder – barley grass or wheat grass or spirulina
- Brown rice
- Whole oats
- Skin brush (loofer)
- Juicer
- Blender
- Probiotics
- Milk thistle (tincture, capsules or dried herbs)
- Dandelion (tincture, capsules or dried herbs)
- Nettle (tincture, capsules or dried herbs)
- Castor oil (optional)
- Hot water bottle (optional)
- Enema kit (optional)
- Magnesium
- Mung beans for sprouting (optional)
Recommended shopping list of fruits and vegetables
- Red cabbage
- White cabbage
- Kale
- Spinach
- Green apples
- Berries
- Lemons
- Beetroot
- Carrots
- Parsley
- Ginger
- Turmeric
What we are taking out of our diet for the next 7 days
- Meat/fish
- Dairy products
- Nuts/seeds/dried fruits
- Avocados
- Flour (anything like pizza, pasta, biscuits, cakes)
- Sugars/honey
- Fizzy drinks
- Cold or iced water
- All milks (rice/oats/almond)
- Caffeine (including green tea and matcha)
- Salt
What’s left?
- Wholegrains
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Herbal teas (dried herbs such as nettle, fennel, chamomile)
What kind of detox is right for you?
If it is your first time doing anything like this, have a quick check on the kind of constitution you have. If you are thin, weak, tendency for low blood pressure, then it is probably good for you to have little cooked, warm food every day. If you are quite robust, overweight and have an excess then it is good to use the middle three days to be raw.
So here is how we want to do it.
Day 1 and 2 – We want to take the first two days as a way to gently ease into the detox. With two cooked meals a day (morning and evening) consisting of either rice soup, vegetable broth or porridge. Plus 3 juices.
Days 3, 4, 5 – We want to only take in liquids and be raw.
Day 6 and 7 – Same as day 1 and 2
Example daily schedule
- Wake up
- Coconut mouth rinse
- Morning exilir (hot water with lemon and green powder)
- Tinctures of dandelion & milk thistle
- Meditation and chanting (Click here for our morning meditation & chanting sessions and the words of the chanting can be found here)
- Movement (yoga, jog, dance, tai chi, also here you can find some classes with us)
- Optional enema (for those who already know how to do it – on day 3, 4 and 5)
- Skin brush – hot and cold showering
- Probiotic
- Breakfast (small bowl of rice soup OR porridge OR juice)
- Optional castor oil pack*
- Life at home… Ideas of activities that enhance this process are – time in nature (if possible), walking, online satsangs of people like Mooji, meditation, creative projects, resting, sleeping, music, writing a journal, Gong bath, hypnotherapy audios
- Tinctures of dandelion & milk thistle
- 3 juices throughout the day (put 1 teaspoon of magnesium in your last juice of the day), plus herbal teas, room temperature water
- Probiotic
- Evening meal (small bowl of homemade soup puree)
- Evening meditation (Metta Bhavana Meditation)
- Saturday night we will have a live kirtan via Zoom (More info on our Facebook page & Instagram)
* Castor oil pack – put castor oil generously over the area of your liver (right side of your body on and below the ribcage), place a towel over it and a hot water bottle on top of that. Stay lying down in relaxation with some soft hypnotic music for at least 40 minutes.
The most important thing is to slowly decrease the amount of intake, and whatever we are consuming (either food or liquid) we must chew it slowly and many times to produce saliva in our mouth to break it down before it reaches the stomach.
You can read all about this time of year, in our blog called the Wood Element. It is related with the liver and gall bladder, which means that it is likely that some anger wants to be expressed through you.
Let it come. Let it be there. Allow it to manifest but don’t feed it. Try to allow it to move through you and release without hurting anyone around you.