When we talk about the essence of Thai massage we talk about its intrinsic nature… that which is felt and understood…the message behind the messenger…
True Thai Massage is a melting pot of METTA (loving-kindness), VIPASSANA (meditation of insight), MASSAGE and YOGA. It is a tool which enables us to reach into emptiness and find fullness of touch and presence…In a state of detachment and equanimity we are able, with our touch, to offer the other person the opportunity to recall the message from inside of them where they touch their deepest suffering and can set themselves free. This kind of exchange existed before any labels and traditions were ever created…it came from beings of light – from one to the other…in the simple gesture of touch, of exchange. Nowadays, living in Babylon, we need this jewel and the existence of this “tradition” in order to reclaim that which we all once knew.
Thai Yoga Massage is a Sacred Dance. It is a holy communion between two people used to unblock energy stagnation. It is essentially an ancient Eastern healing technique used as a tool to awaken our spiritual flame and inner therapist. Learning the beautiful art of traditional Thai massage is not just about memorizing a series of exercises, nor about thinking that we can cure someone of their sickness. It is about learning to give from the heart with compassion and to have deep understanding of the other person’s suffering. We are all one. We are reflections of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We are all connected. Learning how to give and to receive….to touch….to breathe….to feel…
The form
The Form of Thai Massage is the outward representation of the Essence. How it looks, smells, tastes and appears. It is the tangible form of the intangible…
With the application of rhythmic pressure on certain energetic points and lines (sen) in the body and the yogic stretching of muscles and joint manipulation, blockages can be released and energy can be restored to its natural flow. The massage is usually on a mat on the floor, fully clothed in loose comfortable clothes, without oils and sometimes looks like applied hatha yoga or yoga for two! In Thai Massage, we use our hands, elbows, knees and feet to find the perfect touch needed for the moment. Because this massage is working on the different body layers (koshas), the release works on an emotional, energetic and physical level.
We often think of Thai Massage as a treatment based on the “no pain, no gain” principle. Here we try to break this infamous conditioning of Traditional Thai Massage with the application of certain principles, which allow a softer, deeper touch and opening. With awareness and mindfulness in our touch we offer deep static massage…with rotation in our hips and dancing from our center we offer dynamic massage…in our massage, we move between the two…dynamic to static…We also apply some osteopathic techniques, notably general joint manipulation and harmonics as they fit very well with the process of release and letting go in Thai massage.
When we massage, we don’t aim to heal, we aim to help others believe they can and will be healed. When we are connected to the Divine, the healing process happens all by itself. We are just channels to remind each other of this. And thus the dance begins…
Every natural Form is latent within us, originates in the Soul whose Essence is eternity, whose Essence we cannot know but which most often intimates itself to us as the power to love and create…” Hermann Hesse