December 2020
Following the ancient Yogic texts, we are made of 3 bodies containing 5 Sheaths. All of them need to be tended to live a whole and integrated life, and to evolve our consciousness back to recognizing…
November 2020
Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive,…
October 2020
What about a healthy snack, suitable for all times of the day, fitting well with almost everything, with high nutritional value and great taste - plus a very fast preparation and only a handful of…
October 2020
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the world is a harmonious and holistic entity where all living beings are viewed in relation to the surrounding environment. Since ancient times, the…
September 2020
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, not every man’s greed” – Gandhi Touching the Earth Element Earth Is. It is that place of stillness between Yin and Yang – the center of the cosmic…
June 2020
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames”. – Rumi Looking into the Fire Element In Chinese Medicine, the Fire Element is related to the heart and small intestines. With the application…
May 2020
First touch with the Lahu village. Driving up into the mountains of northern Thailand in the back of a pick-up truck, every cell in my body says yes. It’s my first real encounter with such primitive…
April 2020
Beltain is one of the greatest fire festivals of our ancient past. A bel-tene means a goodly fire. Bonfires were lit on the hilltops and communities gathered together to feast, stay up all night and…
April 2020
Hi and welcome to our Stay Home Spring Detox. We decided to use this time in quarantine to help clean up our bodies and detoxify. With nowhere to go and no outside distractions it is easy to become…
April 2020
Every morning in Sunshine House we wake up with the gong and then start the day with some Pali/Sanskrit Buddhist chanting and some silent meditation. The chanting that we do is based on the chanting…
January 2020
Once you dive into the world of Thai Massage and something touches you deeply, then you may find that a need for more arises. Although we always advise that repeating the basic course is a great step…
March 2020
“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth” . – Bryant McGill Embracing the Wood Element Wood is our intelligence. Once we conceive ideas with water, then we can develop…