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Hands-free Thai Massage with Foot/Knee/Elbow with Krishnataki in BERNESE ALPS, SWITZERLAND

11 February 2025 - 16 February 2025


This retreat is open to anyone who has already completed a 9-day basic Thai massage course and the courses for Dynamic, Static, and Stretching techniques. It is an additional integration module for the Thai Massage Vacanza Diploma Training – Module 7. In this course, dynamic, static, and stretching techniques are integrated. (This module is part of the diploma course, but will be exchanged by the module 2 Static Thaimassage. At the moment students can choose to attend Hands-Free or the Static Module for the diploma.)

This course focuses on working without hands, combining and integrating holding, dynamic, and stretching techniques. Holding and static techniques are combined with dynamic, revitalizing techniques to free stagnant energy in the body and then distribute it within the energy system.

Using the principles of gravity and natural laws, we work with deep, slow pressure that precisely and deeply penetrates various body structures. This helps to open energy channels, release blockages, and promote the energy flow in the Sip Sen. Dynamic techniques with the feet are applied to distribute energy throughout the body.

We learn how to correctly use our knees, forearms, and feet to save energy and avoid overstraining our wrists, hands, and thumbs. This way of using our bodies is highly effective, grounding, invigorating, and relaxing for both the giver and receiver.


11 February 2025
16 February 2025
Course Category:


DAO Sparenmoos
Heimersbergstrasse 28
Zweisimmen, 3770 Switzerland
+ Google Map




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